Timestamp of files older than 6 months reset to 00:00

Is it a bug or a feature or it hasn't yet been implemented? The dates are correct but the times are 00:00. With the commandline lftp (using mirror command) the downloaded files have correct dates/times. Cheers.

Try to update to the last development build MB has changed something date related.

Please post the FTP session logs of both clients. I think the LIST argument is different.

>but once downloaded the files got correct [presumably] timestamp on WinXP disk.

Send the full log of the file transfer.

Thank you.

Ah lftp uses MDTM for each file to get the date/time.

Ah lftp uses MDTM for each file to get the date/time.
Isn't that the proper way to do it (RFC, protocol)?

How does SmartFTP get date/time?