Why the directory is read during upload after each file?

Hi everyone,

Almost everyday I have to upload rather high number of small files (HTM files) to the company server. It takes ages, although I have a permanent ADSL connection.

Looking a little bit closer, I've noticed that SmartFtp re-reads the directory after a file was uploaded, and before it starts to upload another file. Since I upload typically about 3,000 - 5,000 files in session, this constant re-reading of the same directory wastes a lot of time, especially on some directories which do contain up to 8,000 files (so the directory file is pretty large).

My question is: how can I make SmartFtp not to re-read directory after every file has been uploaded?

I'm sorry if the question is dumb.

Kind regards,

Do you use the global queue? If this is not the case its time to use it :-)

See the tutorials at:

I'm not sure if SmartFTP re-reads the directory after each upload, but it will be a lot faster with the global queue. Increase the number of threads to boost it.


Hi Mat,

thank you for replying. Yes, I was using the global queue indeed, with up to 9 threads. Most of the threads were showing - almost all the time - "Read Directory" label.

The global statistics confirmed me that I've uploaded 32Mb, and downloaded 143Mb! No files download took place in that session! So I guess it was due to the constant re-reading of the directory.

The size of the directory we're talking about is about 50Kb (saw it in a direct connection, in the log pane of SmartFtp).
