530 with SmartFtp, Fine with FlashFxp

I was given an Ftp address by a friend. I copy-pasted it into SmartFtp and got this:
(same results with PASV enabled or disabled, with or without firewall)

    USER xxxxxxx

331 User name okay, need password.

    PASS (hidden)

530 Not logged in.

    Cannot login waiting to retry (60s)...

but with FlashFxp, I have this:
USER xxxxxxx

331 User name okay, need password.

PASS (hidden)

230 User logged in, proceed.


Isn't that odd, with the same copy-paste? Any idea?

(Btw: why is the pass hidden when I unchecked the 'hide password' option?)

Your FTP address is incorrect. Your login/password is incorrect.

I beg your pardon... I must have expressed myself in some confused way (English is not my mother tongue).

The thing is:
I have the ftp link (ftp://user:pwd@address)

I copy it in the clipboard.
When I paste it in SmartFtp, it doesn't work
When I paste it in FlashFxp, it works.

Now, if I capture the tcp packets, the username which is N

Special characters like

The PASS (hidden) is because is the server the one that hides the password no SmartFTP. If you uncheck hide password it's unhidden at the conexion bar.

Manually "extract" your username from the URL and copy it into the "User" input field in the address bar. Don't forget to do the same thing for the password as well. And remove the ftp:// prefix from the URL.
I copy-pasted the ip address
I typed manually the user name and the password in the adderss bar.
Still, tcp packets contain C3 A9...

I'm sorry to annoy you with this, but this seems so strange to me...
(I also tried the same copy paste with Mozilla Firebird, and it worked)...

Hm. What OS are you using?

Whats your "Default Codepage" setting under Settings->Transfer: "List Encoding"?

Windows XP, service pack 1.
It's late, I can't investigate more on that topic tonight.

What appears is that I had UTF8 chosen. When I chose Ansi or Auto, the site which worked doesn't anymore, but the non-working does. Likely, this has an impact of some form. I'll look at the tcp packets tomorrow.