Unable to change destination of saved files

When using the SmartFTP backup tool, I am unable to find a desired network destination. When I click the ... link, I am able to enter network neighboorhood, and traverse the various servers on our network. When I select the desired server, all I see are the hidden hard drive shares, such as C$ and D$. I am running v 1.4.4 of the backup tool on a Win 2000 Pro PC.

The backup tool uses the standard "File Open.." and "Folder Select" dialog boxes. The problem is with your network shares. Map your network folder to a drive letter and try again.

I already have various network drives mapped. When I browse from the backup tool, I am unable to see the mapped drives.


Maybe Benjamin got more details on this issue


There's nothing to say. Everything works fine here. Network drives can be selected as usual.
Please provide some more details. Do you have admin rights?
Did you test to open Network Path manually in Explorer? (computerpath)

Benjamin Kalytta