Turning On/Off SSL for a Favorite Site

So I used to connect to a glftpd site that used SSL/TLS. Connecting to it is fine and dandy.

But they switched to a flavor of glftpd that did not have SSL compiled in, and I need to turn off SSL/TLS or else I get the following message:

[11:43:49] 220 Generic (glFTPd 2.00_ALPHA6 Linux) ready.
[11:43:49] AUTH TLS
[11:43:49] 500 'AUTH TLS': Command not understood.

Even after switching everything to global setting, the lock icon is still shown for that favorite. I even then explicitly set Data Connection Mode to 'Clear Data Connection', but it doesnt seem to change anything. When I try to connect it still sends AUTH TLS, and the icon still displays the lock.

I also made an entirely new favorite from scratch, and that works.

So it seems that if you have an SSL enabled favorite, it is very difficult (or impossible for me) to switch back to traditional clear data connection.

If anyone has any suggestions, or feels like calling me a dumbass, please reply at your leisure.

