Coolpage !

I'm very new in the world of site building and any help at all would be great
So being new I have a few questions
I've managed to put my files along with my index page onto my site which I must say I found quite easy using Smart !
So I've sent my files from my ftp Smart to my site address but my pages still are not on my site ?
I've used the coolpage prog which again was very easy to use
I've got an index page and a few other pages all linked together
I'm sure i've done everything right there
The files that I've put through my ftp show as a little thumbs up symbol as a cpg file
Do these files have to be some how changed to html and if so how would I do this
if it's not that then any ideas people?

Thank you for taking a look :twisted:

ok update people
I've managed to get my files on to my site
well sort of ???
I've found that If I change the files from cpg to html it changes the symbol to an explorer symbol and something happens to my site
Nothing good mind you !!
Instead of the blueyonder welcome to your site page
it's a page full of waffle & garbage
I can make out some of the code about page colour & links also some of the text I've put in but it's all jumbled up
Am I using the wrong easy html prog?
whats being lost between the files leaving my machine and arriving at my site and why the scrambling ?

Any ideas will be a great help :?

Don't know CoolPage, but it sounds as if you've uploaded some sort of CoolPage working file and not an HTML file. Check your CoolPage manuals and see where it puts its HTML output files and then upload them.