How can I add a filter to the transfer?

I would like to run "dos2unix" on ASCII files after I do a transfer and it would be nice to run this as a filter. I can add that, assuming that I can script it. Has anyone done this? I can run the code myself, I am sure that I can script it, but I am having trouble seeing how to do this.


its automatically done for all files transfered as ascii
thats one of the reasons why it is deprecated. it uses server cpu.

get an editor with unix file support


Unless I am not doing something right, it does not seem to be doing so. If I take a text file from a Win32 box and send it to the UNIX box I am working on, it arrives with extra characters intact. Is this client-side? I have done this with wu-ftp in the past, and I was actually taking about the client and a client-side opteration, not server-side stuff.

And if it were me, I would ask the folks to use vim, but it is not, and I have to support what the users would rather use. And I don't mind writing filters, even in Windows. If I can figure out how to do it, of course.


be sure you have enabled acsii transfers for text file extension (*.txt, *.nfo) in your ftp client.

Yes, absolutely. Tried it with the auto, tried to lock in ASCII, neither worked.