Incomplete command sent to server

looks like some charset issue for me.

what codepages were used on the server/client?


It's not a "codepage" issue. It may be a problem with OOB and WarFTPd.

We recommend you to try another FTP server software.

mb i said charset problem. and that is true. it missinterprets some chars.

and the log doesnt look like OOB


Up to me, both reason doesn't fit since I was able to send many files then, one command is either not sent correctly by smartftp or not received correctly by warftpd.

I did a test, I tried another ftp client, WsFTP. I did the same transfer and I don't get any errors.

as mb already said. looks like a missunderstoof out of band command (oob).

OOB uses the ascii 255 as start char for the command. utf8 uses it too for starting the 2bytes chars.

so warftpd interpreted the