impossible to update

I've always had great problems in updating SmartFTP ever since I first installed it. It originally came on a magazine cover disc, I forget exactly which build, and every time since when a new build was released I've had to try all sorts of things to get it updated. I know that at least once I have totally reinstalled the full program.

However, upon trying to update my copy 1.0.973 to the latest .978, it is now proving impossible whichever way I try. The Update Check on the Tools menu opens the SmartFTP folder in Explorer, so I ran the update program there, but that complains of a missing cab file. I assumed that I don't have the full version again, so I have visited the website and run the auto update facility there. This too produces an error saying it cannot retrieve a file from the server. So I attempted to download the full version again to my desktop, so as to delete my existing copy and start again. The first attempt only got a few per cent of the way through and all of Internet Explorer crashed, after which I restarted my PC. But on the second try just over halfway through the download it crashed with a file not found. Also, the homepage states the full download is 5.2mb, when the download process shows it as being 6.36mb. I am using WinME with IE6 SP1. I can still use my existing copy of SmartFTP but it becomes very annoying when it keeps nagging me to update and attempting to launch IE upon startup, when either no updated version exists or the one that does is impossible to download.