self signature check failed. reinstall smartftp

self signature check failed. reinstall smartftp

This is the error that I've read when I want to run SmartFTP. I've try to reinstall... and It write the same... [scuse my langage, I'm speaking french :P ]

I install and it's same. :| And I've not an other smartftp application open.

Can you help me?

Check that you don't have a smartftp.exe on memory (maybe you have closed but you have it on memory because a failure) that don't leaves you to overwrite the exe. When instaling look the log and see if any of the files are skipped.

The installing is correct... all files are installing. But, the same error appear. I restart my computer to be sure that not other application with smartftp is open... and nothing. The same error again.


Try uninstalling the first one properly!

By that I mean... Uninstall the program, Then clean up all
traces in the register (i.e. menu -> run -> regedit) and...
remove all smartftp files under:
c:documents and settings*user*Application Datasmart...

You could even try doing an advanced search on your
computer, Searcing for files containing the word smartftp
and then edit them by removing the smartftp posts....

This is how I did when smart forced me to use an old version
(10973) because of a URL / Clipboard problem.

Good luck! 8)