
How come we haven't seen a daily dev build in the past few weeks? The latest developer build was on March 4th....is there something Im missing here?

Are the developers just not wanting to support the public anymore or what?

The latest builds are internal due to the fact of the new features being added, and new
features always have some new bugs. So to be blunt, not ready for the public eye yet.

Please be patient, you'll get to play with a newer version quite shortly ;)

We don't release the internal builds because they are not stable enough and cause more problems for the end user. Our philosophy is to reach a certain level of quality before we release any piece of code.


better have per FTP favourite passive/port connection settings

Better :?:

Someone find the soap

Actually, this is already part of the new favorite system.

Mat don't kill me for spilling a little bit of the beans

you will ruin the surprises..
stop telling the new favorites will have:

//Content removed.


/me pokes carlos with a stick

Um....isn't this already a feature???

Favorites > Edit Favorites > Right Click Favorite Item > Properties > "Advanced" tab > Check or Uncheck "Use Passive Mode"


What I'm more looking for is the initial configuration screen(in the main preferences) to be configurable per FTP server.

This method can be used to allow configuration for internal and external FTPs.


FTP inside my LAN I want to use port and my internal IP.
FTP outside my LAN I want to use port and my external FTP with specific port range configuration.

This is why I would like to see the configuration added *per FTP Favourite*.